Conheça a Alencar & Silva

Advocacia de excelência em Parauapebas, Pará.

A modern, uniquely designed building with multiple reflective glass panels that create a checkered pattern. The upper parts display the names 'Norton Rose Fulbright' and another in Chinese characters. The structure exhibits a futuristic architectural style with sharp angles and a mix of straight and curved lines. In the foreground, additional buildings are visible with balconies and greenery, suggesting an urban setting.
A modern, uniquely designed building with multiple reflective glass panels that create a checkered pattern. The upper parts display the names 'Norton Rose Fulbright' and another in Chinese characters. The structure exhibits a futuristic architectural style with sharp angles and a mix of straight and curved lines. In the foreground, additional buildings are visible with balconies and greenery, suggesting an urban setting.



Atendimento personalizado.

Profissionais experientes.


Estamos localizados em Parauapebas, estado do Pará, onde oferecemos serviços advocatícios especializados para nossos clientes.


Para correspondência:
Alencar & Silva Advogados Alencar & Silva Sociedade de Advogados CNPJ: 59.572.407/0001-36
Rua 69 SN Quadra81 Lote 12
Beira Rio
Parauapebas PA
(94) 98127-4647


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