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A person is holding a protest sign with bold text reading 'JUSTICE ACCOUNTABILITY LEADERSHIP NOW' written on it. The sign also includes smaller text at the bottom stating 'MARCH4JUSTICE' and '#ENOUGHISENOUGH'. The image is in black and white, enhancing a serious and impactful tone.
A person is holding a protest sign with bold text reading 'JUSTICE ACCOUNTABILITY LEADERSHIP NOW' written on it. The sign also includes smaller text at the bottom stating 'MARCH4JUSTICE' and '#ENOUGHISENOUGH'. The image is in black and white, enhancing a serious and impactful tone.

Entre em contato conosco para serviços advocatícios. Estamos localizados em Parauapebas, Pará.


A Alencar & Silva Sociedade de Advogados está situada em Parauapebas, Pará, oferecendo serviços advocatícios com excelência e compromisso.


Para correspondência:
Alencar & Silva Advogados Alencar & Silva Sociedade de Advogados CNPJ: 59.572.407/0001-36
Rua 69 SN Quadra81 Lote 12
Beira Rio
Parauapebas PA
(94) 98127-4647


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